HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd. No. 150 Amending City Code Chapt 2 Establishing Youth CommissionOrdinance No. 150, Fourth Series An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Red Wing City Code Establishing a Youth Commission THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RED WING DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1: Chapter 2 of the City Code is hereby amended by inserting the underlined language as shown below: SEC. 2.27 YOUTH COMMISSION. Subd. 1. Establishment and Composition. A Youth Commission is hereby established. The Commission shall be composed of a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of eleven (11) members. Each member must be younger than age 21, actively enrolled in an educational program, and be in or between grades 8 through 12. Members must live within the City of Red Wing boundary or the Red Wing Public School District boundary, though up to two voting members may live outside those boundaries, as long as those members attend a school within the Red Wing Public School District. A diversity of backgrounds and ages will be considered and valued in the selection of members. Subd. 2. Purpose. The Youth Commission will provide Red Wing's youth with the opportunity to participate in the City's decision -making process; provide City Council with recommendations on a variety of issues; promote existing positive initiatives and develop new initiatives for the young people of Red Wing; and promote and encourage more youth to become effective leaders who will help shape the future of Red Wing. Subd. 3. Powers and Duties. A. Draft and recommend an annual Youth Commission Action Plan for City Council consideration and approval. B. Provide recommendations to City Council regarding decisions that address youth issues specifically or where the Youth Commission's perspective would be helpful. C. Bring forward ideas, concerns, and/or policy recommendations to the City Council that the Youth Commission identifies as beneficial and worthy of consideration. D. Promote existing positive city initiatives, often in collaboration with other city departments or boards/commissions, to make youth more aware of opportunities. E. Develop new programs, projects, and/or activities for Red Wing's young people that will encourage youth participation and leadership, especially in areas related to local government. F._Participate in educational opportunities as they arise and as current scheduling and funding is available. SECTION 3: Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 14 days after its adoption and publication in accordance with the City Charter. Introduced the 26th day of May, 2020. Adopted this 8th day of June, 2020. ATTEST: Teri L. Swanson, MCMC City Clerk r (seal) Y N Presented zto the Mayor at this � day of June, 2020. Dean Hove, CouncYPresident -/ .m. on this day of June, 2020. Approved Sean M. Dowse, Mayor MN Affidavit No. 2843572 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF GOODHUE Elisabeth Beam, being first duly sworn, on oath states as follows: 1. I am the publisher of the Repub- lican Eagle, or the publisher's designated agent. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this Affidavit, which is made pursuant to Minnesota Stat- utes §331A.07. 2. The newspaper has complied with all of the re- quirements to constitute a qualified newspaper under Minnesota law, including those requirements found in Minnesota Statutes §331A.02. 3. The dates of the month and the year and day of the week upon which the public notice attached/copied below was published in the newspaper are as follows: Saturday, June 13 2020. 4. The publisher's lowest classified rate paid by com- mercial users for comparable space, as determined pursuant to § 331A.06, is as follows: $14.50 per column inch. 5. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper's known office of issue is located in Goodhue County. The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a sub- stantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. Dated this 23rd day of 1 1 I is LANA CLARISSE SYLTIE ! NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA My Commission Expires JAN. 31, 2025 Ordinaa,o No. 150, Fuu, n Senas An Oi dwanne Ainenrf inp Chapcar 2 of the Red Wing City Code Establishing aYouth Commits= THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF tlh D WINtd 001"h 01WAIN" SECTION 7. Ch:ttrle; 2 of the City Cone is hai'R.hy Amended by Inserting the undadined language as sT,own he ow: ss1Y_�lt.siers v�'.i'_`: lL,-it 1ti1Uk. tha tutura, o-1 Earl VJr)9.. 5, f,cl. ;+. aw,et. lr lL utiea.. A. Draft and rocpnnnncrd an annuw `[pi�tYL{tnr�rrti s. i.nrl_,rlinn,._F'lan for fi r Crauncl tcn lelerp and_at�prp„_ Ai. G€or zdenufIo5 as.henefomi and wor. nfi u14,g1-uldsra ion, _ D,Pfomote exisfirg p*J_priv city Initio tivP.s, an in cnllahoration wim athar ,c ILv �izp�trr r�rrt�r�yr�f�Lr:c.rnrni^:- s_ars. t2Tr,; ti«, Yn_.ida morn A vare of vr�oc+I liitlilias. E. Devolop new progran7 ..pro cc:s, anil/�ir_2c,pva ie , 'trJr I?Yd 11L7g G Y9:tr7 pccplo that Dill l coumgc pcuth_.par ticj1=1an and ]aarJarshln. aana-alalPr In ;;tEo!i tlf2i"rail uLr f ITtFlil. 1,__1?,_rticinate in_. pd urnrigns,l. np}:ortu_ n�tt�s_a+�llnex�!i;r<atsi a;�asuf:�fi 5ehoduliryg and funding,. is adalable, SI ClION 3 1, ftacT,va )ate fht, or- dironoo shalt he. in full force and -affect 14 ciay+ after mt Adolnor, and ,uhJcA- uun on accordance vo,th sire CAA Chai- r. II lwjmed III= 26111 clay or May, 2020. AJap ed 1his 8th day cr Junc 2020 !si L"aan Nova, Council Pm,inent ATTEST Rsf'tao L., 5wairsnn, MCMC, City Clark' iba4 l F 'mined to tho Mayer at h1:30 d.rn. ca this 5lh d v of JGnH 20211. Ap- Ixavcd this 51h day of June, 2020. 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