HomeMy WebLinkAboutYouth Commission Bylaws 2020BYLAWS OF THE RED WING YOUTH COMMISSION RED WING, MINNESOTA The following Bylaws outline elements unique to the Red Wing Youth Commission. In areas not covered by these Bylaws, the Red Wing Youth Commission will abide by the guidelines set forth in the City of Red Wing's Board and Commission Policy. ARTICLE #1 PURPOSE The purpose of the Red Wing Youth Commission (RWYC) shall be to provide Red Wing's youth with the opportunity to participate in the City's decision-making process; provide City Council with recommendations on a variety of issues; promote existing positive initiatives and develop new programs, projects, and activities for the young people of Red Wing; and promote and encourage more youth to become effective leaders who will help shape the future of Red Wing. ARTICLE #2 MEMBERSHIP 2.1 Representation The Red Wing Youth Commission will be made up of a minimum of 7 members and no more than 11 members. The total membership will also be an odd number. The Red Wing Youth Commission will seek in its membership a diverse representation reflecting the community. 2.2. Membership Qualifications All members must live within the Red Wing Public Schools District boundary or attend Red Wing Public Schools. Members must be between the grades of 8 through 12 during time on the commission. Diversity of age will be considered in the selection of members. 2.3 Term Limits Terms shall be for one year or until the member discontinues meeting the qualifications in Article 2.2. Members may reapply for membership each year. Members who graduate grade 12 early may continue serving until the end of the term. 2.3.1 Beginning The official beginning of the commission's yearly term will be July 1. During the month of June, incoming and outgoing commission members will attend meetings jointly. Incoming members will observe and may participate in 1 discussion, but incoming members will have no authority and no voting power during this time period. 2.3.2 Ending The official ending of the commission's yearly term will be June 30. 2.4 Quorum The presence of a majority of the entire membership of the RWYC shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the RWYC. A quorum is necessary to conduct official business at any meeting, including the decision to make recommendations to the Red Wing City Council. ARTICLE #3 APPLICATION PROCESS Members of the Red Wing Youth Commission shall be chosen through a yearly application process. Interested parties, both new members and those wishing to return, shall complete an application form which will include all RWYC meeting dates for the upcoming term. 3.1 Application Contents The application shall ask applicants for basic information, as well as information about prior leadership and community service experience. The yearly application requirements and questions will be decided by the Selection Committee. 3.2 Submission Process All applicants shall submit a completed RWYC candidate application form to the Selection Committee through one of the following ways: by filling out the City of Red Wing's online application form, by dropping off an application at the front desk of City Hall, by mailing an application to City Hall, or through an email submission to the RWYC Staff Liaison. Applications will be due on April 15 of every year. 3.3 Selection Committee The Selection Committee shall consist of the Mayor of Red Wing, Staff Liaison to the Youth Commission, the City of Red Wing Community Engagement Specialist, and students in the RWYC Executive Board Elect. The Selection Committee will conduct interviews and complete ranked choice voting to determine which applicants are chosen. An interview process will be 0) conducted during a designated time and place determined by the Selection Committee. After the Selection Committee has made its final decisions, the Staff Liaison will present the mayor with the list of names being recommended for appointment. The mayor will review the list and bring his/her recommended appointments to the City Council. City Council will vote to approve or deny the appointments. 3.5 Notification Acceptances and rejections will be mailed or emailed to all applicants to the addresses provided on their applications by May 15. ARTICLE #4 ATTENDANCE Attendance at regular RWYC meetings and workshops is expected from all members. If a member cannot attend, the member shall notify the Chair and the Staff Liaison of the RWYC in advance of the meeting and the absence will be excused. Any member who fails to appear shall be recorded as absent. The Staff Liaison will keep an attendance roster and monitor absences. It will be noted in the minutes if members arrive late or depart early. 4.1 Failure to Meet Attendance Requirements If a member is absent from a total of three meetings and/or workshops, the RWYC Executive Board will hold a meeting with the member to discuss the absences, as well as the consequences of continued absences. If a member is absent from a total of five meetings and/or workshops, the RWYC Executive Board, RWYC Staff Liaison, and the Red Wing Community Engagement Specialist will hold a meeting with the member to discuss requirements to remain on the RWYC. At this meeting, the RWYC Executive Board may choose to recommend to the mayor that the member be removed, or it may choose to lay out expectations for the member that would lead to removal if not met. If a member is absent from five consecutive meetings and workshops, the RWYC Executive Board will immediately recommend to the mayor that the member be removed. 4.2 Resignations If a member must resign from the Youth Commission before the end of the term, the student will communicate this intention to the Staff Liaison and submit a short resignation in writing to the mayor by email or letter. 9 ARTICLE #5 CODE OF CONDUCT Discrimination, bullying, and harassment will not be tolerated as part of the RWYC. The RWYC Staff Liaison, along with other City of Red Wing staff members or City Council members invited, will review any accusations of these behaviors. RWYC members found to have engaged in these behaviors will attend a meeting with RWYC Executive Board members, RWYC Staff Liaison, and City of Red Wing staff or City Council, in which corrective action, including the possible removal from the RWYC, will be taken. ARTICLE #6 EXECUTIVE BOARD 6.1 Executive Board Composition The RWYC Executive Board will consist of a Chair and Vice Chair. 6.2 Executive Board Roles 6.2.1. Chair The Chair will schedule meetings with the Vice Chair and the Staff Liaison to set agendas for upcoming RWYC meetings and workshops. The Chair will preside over meetings and workshops. The Chair will serve on the Executive Board Selection Committee. 6.2.2. Vice Chair The Vice Chair will attend meetings with the Chair and Staff Liaison to set agendas for upcoming RWYC meetings and workshops. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair will preside over meetings. The Vice Chair will serve on the Executive Board Selection Committee. In the event that the Chair is removed from the RWYC, the Vice Chair will serve as Chair for the remainder of the term. 6.3 Executive Board Attendance Requirements At least one Executive Board member must be present at all RWYC meetings and workshops. The Executive Board members must not be absent for more than three meetings. The RWYC Staff Liaison will meet and discuss commitment with Executive Board members after they miss two meetings. Executive Board members will be removed from the Executive Board after missing a fourth meeting. If necessary, the RWYC Staff Liaison, in consultation with Red Wing City staff or City Council, will appoint an interim Vice Chair for the remainder of the term. E 6.4 Executive Board Selection Acting members, including current Executive Board members, must declare their intentions to run for the following year's Executive Board by March 1. This declaration must be done via writing or through an email to the Staff Liaison and must include the position sought. Current Executive Board members are allowed to run for additional terms. During the regularly scheduled March meeting, candidates for Executive Board will deliver an address to the RWYC. The RWYC will then vote on a Chair and a Vice Chair for the following year. These roles will thus be referred to as Chair Elect and Vice Chair Elect until July 1. The Chair Elect and Vice Chair Elect will not need to complete an application for RWYC and will automatically be selected for the upcoming year. Any Executive Board members who do not seek or win reelection must complete the application process as outlined in Article 3. ARTICLE #7 MEETINGS AND WORKSHOPS 7.1 Meetings The RWYC will set a calendar for regular meetings based on the input of its members and the availability of the City Hall Council Chambers. The RWYC will also set a calendar for regular workshops. Regular meetings will take place in the Council Chambers and will be televised. Workshops will be audio taped, and minutes will be kept and recorded. Regular meetings and workshops will be noticed to the public. 7.2 Annual Report The Chair, or a designee, shall make a written and verbal report to the Red Wing City Council regarding the activities and business of the RWYC at least once per calendar year. The report will include, but not be limited to, recommendations the RWYC has made and projects the RWYC has implemented or supported. ARTICLE #8 BYLAWS AND AMENDMENTS The bylaws of the RWYC shall be reviewed once each year. Amendments to the bylaws may be recommended at any regular RWYC meeting, provided that two-thirds of RWYC members approve the amendment in a roll call vote, that the amendment is part of the meeting agenda, and that membership has been notified in writing. Amendments to the bylaws must be recommended to the City Council. City Council makes final approval for any changes to take effect. 9