HomeMy WebLinkAbout0011 - ADDENDUM revised 9-12Red Wing Police Department Policy SUBJECT: POLICY NUMBER W RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO 11 -ADDENDUM Oxr, EFFECTIVE DATE Aril 4, 2011 REFERENCE(S): APPROVED BY: Minnesota CHIEF ROGER D. POHLMAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure manual is to define the manner in which the radio system and CAD system are to be utilized to produce maximum efficiency. These procedures govern both Goodhue County Dispatch and all mobile radio/portable units on this system. 1. RADIO USAGE: A. Radio used only when necessary. Brevity is important. Clear, concise information — avoid using names unless absolutely necessary. B. Talk groups used for Goodhue County Communications are governed by the FCC Rules and Regulations Part 89 Public Safety Radio Services. Any flagrant disregard of FCC rules regarding official business use may result in revocation of the County's license. Transmission of the FCC call sign is digitally sent by the system every hour as required by the FCC. C. MOBILE AND PORTABLE RADIO USAGE: 1. Radios tuned to main channel for volume adjustment. 2. Wait for talk permit tone before speaking. 3. Speak in a normal tone of voice. 4. Check radio periodically for malfunction if you are not hearing any radio traffic. 2. TALK GROUP DEFINITIONS AND USAGE: It is up to the dispatcher that is managing a talk group to insure the use of the talk group conforms to this document, FCC Rules and Regulations, and any other standard procedures in force. When inappropriate use is observed the dispatcher should notify the unit misusing the talk group or his/her supervisor During high priority calls where there is real concern that life or limb may be in jeopardy, it is up to the controlling dispatcher to limit radio usage to emergencies only. The responding unit or agency supervisor may request the dispatcher to advise the network of limited radio use for priority calls or missions i.e. Page 1 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM Emergency Response Team, warrant service. Due to capacity issues on the ARMER statewide radio system, talk -groups are only allowed in specific locations. Unless otherwise noted, Goodhue County talk groups are allowed up to one county away from Goodhue County. The radio will display "OUT OF RANGE" if Goodhue County talk groups are used outside of this area. A. LMAIN1; West Law Enforcement Main, Primary Agencies: Goodhue County Sheriff's Office, Goodhue Police, Kenyon Police, Cannon Falls Police, and Zumbrota Police B. LMAIN2; East Law Enforcement main, Primary Agencies: Red Wing Police and Prairie Island Police C. FEMAIN; County wide Fire & EMS main D. KPD OPS, KEN FIRE, CFPD OPS, CF FIRE, ZPD OPS, ZUM EMS, ZUM FIRE, GH FIRE, RW FIRE, RW EMS, PINE FIRE: Trunked talk groups used for intra -agency communications. Dispatch consoles do not monitor any of these talk -groups, and they are not present on the console. E. ZUM CMN, CF CMN, KEN CMN. RW CMN: Trunked talk groups used for intra -city communications by agencies. Dispatch consoles do not monitor any of these talk groups, and they are not present on the console. F. OPS 7-15: Operation talk groups for incidents and special events. Talk groups are available for use or to be reserved for planned or unplanned events. G. GD G -TAC 1-4: Public Safety only talk groups used for tactical events. Dispatch consoles do not monitor any of these talk groups, and they are not present on the console. H. GD SWAT 1-3: Tactical talk groups for the Emergency Response Team. These talk groups are not monitored by dispatch, and they are not present on the console. I. GOODHUE911: An emergency talk group in all Goodhue County radios to allow priority access to Dispatch. This talk group is designated for short term use. This talk group is allowed state wide. This talk group should be used to call dispatch when the main talk groups are out of range. J. GD CMN: A trunked talk group programmed into all radios on the Goodhue County Radios for non -emergency car to car communication. It is not monitored by dispatch, and is not present on the console. K. GD P CMN: A trunked talk group programmed into all public safety radios in Goodhue County intended for police only car to car traffic. This talk group is not on the dispatch console. Page 2 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM L. SE 2-15: Southeast regional trunked talk groups used for cross jurisdictional operations. This set of talk groups should only be used when all possibility of using Goodhue County owned resources are exhausted or when an event participant is from outside Goodhue County. In -progress events get a lower number, lower priority or preplanned events get a higher number in the group. These talk groups are allowed on all ARMER towers in the South East corner of the State. M. SE CALL: A talk -group used in the Southeast region to call other dispatch centers. It should be monitored by all dispatch centers in Southeast Minnesota. N. MET P -TAC 1-4: Metro Regional talk groups intended for public Safety users. O. MET A -TAC 1-4: Metro Regional talk groups, intended for any user. P. L -TAC 1-4: Trunked talk groups with statewide access for Law Enforcement. These talk groups are included in the L -TAC Pursuit standard. The lowest number available L -TAC will be patched to the main where a pursuit is occurring. Q. S -TAC 1-4: Trunked talk -groups with statewide access for all Public Service users. Typically assigned for helicopter landings. R. F -TAC 1-4: Trunked talk groups with statewide access for all Fire users. S. E -TAC 1-4: Trunked talk -groups with statewide access for all EMS users. T. SOAs — "Scene of Action" — These are NON TRUNKED radio channels that are off the ARMER system. Range is approximately 2-3 miles portable to portable. Range is longer between mobiles or base stations. SOA P — Public Safety. SOA A — All Users. SOA F — Fire users. These channels are not present in the dispatch console. U. 8CAL190D, 8TAC91-94: These are NON TRUNKED national radio channels. In day to day operation, the channels followed by a D (for direct) could be used to supplement the SOAs. Like SOAs, they also have a limited range. Typically, these channels are only used at national events. Channels followed by R (for repeated) are for non ARMER tactical repeaters that would typically be deployed at emergency events. Do not use R channels unless directed to. These channels are not present in the dispatch console. 3. RADIO DISPATCHING OF EVENTS A. PROCEDURE FOR AIRING CALLS: 1. All police events shall be aired by dispatch prior to sending the event via CAD/MDC. The dispatcher shall air the unit number(s) or beat, the type of event and then the location, including common Page 3 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM place name if known. If the call is non-priority, it should be created in CAD before airing. No additional information shall be aired during the initial broadcast, rather, the call should be updated in CAD. If the call is in progress, additional information may be aired while officer(s) are enroute. Dispatch does not need to wait for acknowledgement from primary officer before proceeding. This information should be kept to a MINIMUM. 2. If the unit is not MDC equipped, the dispatcher shall first give the unit number and type of event and wait for a response. When the unit responds, the location will then be given. On medicals, you need not follow this procedure, as the alert tone is designed to get the squad's attention. For non -medicals, an example would be ("308 a lock out" — 308 answers — "308, lockout at 50 W 2nd St" 308 enroute — "308 — 1930"). 3. When a dispatcher acknowledges a squad on the air, he/she should use the unit number, followed by the time. This will ensure that dispatch is acknowledging the correct unit. No other information need be repeated, unless the dispatcher is unsure he/she heard correctly. 4. All events are broadcast to the unit(s) even if currently on an event, as long as the dispatcher is certain unit is "OK." Air the event generically to the service provider, i.e. (200 cars holding a Theft Report @ address). If no response is received Dispatch will put the call on hold until units clear. 5. If the squad wants additional info, they shall just respond with their unit number, dispatch. On all in -progress calls where additional info is imperative, dispatch shall air it no matter what response the squad gives. THIS IS ONLY ON HIGH PRIORITY IN -PROGRESS CALLS.For calls of routine nature, the squad can read the blotter text to find out additional info, such as what was stolen, time frame, etc. B. DISPATCHING EVENTS: 1. Medicals — It is the responsibility of the dispatcher to ensure the correct ambulance and first responders are started as soon as possible. Dispatch should notify police units when practical. Example of 10-52: Squad number, nature (such as heart, dizzy, etc), and location shall be given during initial broadcast. If fire is paged, the word "medical" must be stated before the nature or location is given. If any other information is necessary for the squads to determine their type of response or equipment/personnel needed, it shall be given in a second broadcast. Medical page script: "Paging Agency for a medical at address, city or township/county, for a age, sex, patient's chief complaint, time". Page 4 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM Medical Page Script example — "Paging Goodhue First Responders for A MEDICAL at 2305 Daniels Street in Goodhue, 45 year old adult male, chest pain. Time of page (XX -XX)." 2. Fire events — All fire events shall first be given to the fire department, then squads notified as soon as possible thereafter. The fire paging needs to be of a standard format so that the dispatchers have a consistent method of notifying dependent agencies so each agency can easily determine, at all times of day, what type of apparatus will be needed for response to an event. Brevity is also important due to the limited amount of recording space on the VHF fire voice/tone pagers. Fire Paging Script example — "Paging Red Wing Fire for a residential fire alarm, 509 W. 5th Street. Time of page XX:XV (Dispatch will also include what OPS talk group is assigned if one is needed) 3. In -progress events — Not all in -progress events are of the same importance. Therefore, it is necessary for dispatch to gauge the importance of the event when determining whether or not to keep the caller on-line until the squads arrive. When in doubt, keep them on line, if possible, and consult the officer(s) responding 4. Phone Calls — If the caller is requesting a phone call for the Initial Report, the proper event type will be used and aired with a follow up that the caller would like a phone call.(Dispatch, 200 cars to return a phone call regarding property damage). 5. Traffic Stops — Units shall radio dispatch in the following order for traffic stops: `unit number traffic' wait for response from dispatch `unit, location, plate'. Example: "229 traffic" -229 go ahead- "229 traffic at 5th and West Ave with ABC123" — 229 at XX:XX. 6. Operations Talk Group Assignment - All structure fires and significant calls for service will be assigned an OPS 7-11 group by dispatch. Agencies are permitted to reserve OPS 7-11 talk groups for their event in advance. Dispatch may assign responding agencies to an OPS talk group to move radio traffic off the Mains. Incident command may also request an incident be moved to an operations talk group. Dispatch will then assign an operations talk group with priority events on OPS 7 and lowest priority on OPS 11. a. The OPS talk group may then be patched to an appropriate regional or statewide resource if needed b. Agencies shall attempt to use the OPS 7-11 talk groups for fire ground as much as possible to avoid Page 5 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM future multi -agency communication issues (as opposed to their specific intra -agency talk group which is not able to be patched or often times not monitored by outside agencies) 7. Page Acknowledgement — All fire and ambulance services who receive a page shall acknowledge the page was received as soon as possible. Ideally the first member of the department who arrives at the fire department should air that the page was received. Example "Pine Island Fire Page received" a. If no response from the agency was received within four minutes, dispatch shall page the call again. b. If there is no response from the agency after the second page, dispatch shall start mutual aid and contact the agency's supervisor by phone C. OFFICER SAFETY: 1. Status checks and responses — Status checks shall be given every two minutes, unless requested otherwise by the officer. When the time has expired, the dispatcher will air the squad number, followed by the word "status". (Example — "138 status?"). The officer can answer either "OK" or "Status Zero", which will mean he/she needs no more checks, or "Status 10", which means the dispatcher shall reset the timer for 10 minutes. If dispatch has pertinent information for a squad while he/she is out on an event, the term 10-12" will be used. This term is questioning if the officer has someone with him, or within earshot of the radio. The proper response to the question 10-12 shall be either "Go ahead", or "Stand by". If the officer replies "stand by", he/she shall then change his/her location, or secure the suspect before receiving info. If the response from the officer is "Go ahead", dispatch is free to air the information. This is commonly used when an officer is out on a traffic stop, and dispatch comes up with a hit on the registered owner or the vehicle, and wants to make the officer aware of this information. 2. Emergency radio traffic — In the case of an emergency, when an officer needs immediate response from dispatch, he/she shall call dispatch with unit number followed by the word "emergency". This will ensure dispatch keeps the channel clear for that unit alone. This may be used if an officer needs an ambulance or has information of an urgent nature. Page 6 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM 3. Officer needs help — If an officer needs help, he/she MIGHT use the term "backup": along with his/her unit number (i.e. — "214 needs a back") OR the officer might say "Send me additional cars". At this point, dispatch shall repeat the request on the appropriate main and ensure units are sent. Emergency Key (Radio) — Ask for a "status check" on GD EMERGENCY (this talk group is only on consoles; other field units will not be aware of the emergency). DO NOT SAY THAT THEY PUSHED THEIR EMERGENCY BUTTON (the same SOP we follow for the MDC emergency button activation), in case the activation was intended to be covert. Also, a status check of the originating officer should be conducted on the main if no response on the emergency talk group. If the officer is "OKAY STATUS ZERO", advise them to "Reset the emergency button on the radio". (They clear it by pressing & holding the emergency button.) If the officer forgets to clear the emergency button, each time they press the PTT (talk) button the visual emergency alarm on all consoles will again be activated. If they say "10-12" or if no response is received and the unit is shown out at a particular location, send Emergency backup to that location. If they are not shown out anywhere, attempt to locate them in CAD or determine their last known location and send backup there. If the activation was from a radio user that was not on the air with dispatch and not logged onto CAD, advise the on-duty/acting supervisor of officer. If there is no one from that agency on the air, attempt to notify someone from that agency. 4. Roll Call — If dispatch hears a unit calling for help and cannot determine which unit it is he/she shall immediately conduct a roll call. D. POLICE EMERGENT EVENTS: — e.g., Chases - When an emergent event takes place where it would compromise the safety of a field user to have to change radio channels, initially that event will be kept on the LMAIN and the main shall be patched to the lowest number available L - TAC if necessary for out of county assistance. The appropriate announcement must be made and status board updated. EMERGENCY TRAFFIC WILL BE CALLED BY THE DISPATCHER ON THE APPROPRIATE MAIN, with any non -assisting units moving to the opposite LMAIN. If both LMAIN's are under emergency radio traffic then the highest available operations talk group shall be used (OPS 7, 8, etc) for normal traffic. In that order. Assisting units will switch to the main of the emergent event. Dispatch will initiate an alert tone on the closed main, and direct all non-involved units Page 7 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM to the alternate main. Dispatch will also announce when the closed main had been opened and normal traffic can be resumed. Units on the alternate main must be notified that they can return to the normal main. Involved units should be instructed to switch to another resource as soon as they are safely able to do so, if the event is going to continue for an extended period. 4. PATCHING A. Procedure for Patching — Dispatch will be required to establish patches between talk groups and conventional resources. For technical reasons, it is necessary to mirror all patch groups with a multi select group. Patches will be announced when created and deleted. B. Status Board — Because many talk groups on the ARMER system are shared, it is necessary to reserve used talk groups. The purpose is to notify other ARMER dispatch centers of the talk group's use. All regional and state talk group use must be reserved in the Status Board application, as soon as practical. The reservation must be released when the talk group is no longer in use. C. State Standards — Several State Standards govern certain procedures. The primary state standards are: 1. All helicopter landings will be on the first available STAC. It is important to note that a patch to MINSEF may needed for helicopters without ARMER radios. For Goodhue County user's convenience, it is possible to include a Goodhue Ops talk group in the helicopter patch group. This will allow a busy field user to remain in the main radio zone. 2. All vehicle pursuits will be patched to the first available LTAC. 3. All regional and state talk groups will be checked out and released on Status Board. 4. Plain language should be used whenever possible. SEE APPENDIX 1 FOR GOODHUE COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES MOBILE UNITS Page 8 of 8 RADIO PROCEDURES/CAD GUIDELINES PER GCSO-POLICY 11 ADDENDUM