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Section 12.01
Title Page
Platting Procedure
Preliminary Plat and Final Plat Requirements
Minimum Plat Design Standards
Engineering and Construction Standards
Required Improvements and Financial Arrangements
Public Parks, Trails and Open Space Dedication
Other Subdivision Methods
Modifications, Exceptions and Variances
Findings of Fact
Violation a Misdemeanor
SECTION 12.01. PURPOSE. The process of dividing raw land into
home sites, or separate parcels for other uses, is one of the most important factors
in the growth of any community. Few activities have a more lasting effect upon its
appearance and environment. Once the land has been subdivided into urban lots,
and the streets, homes, and other structures have been constructed, the basic
character of this permanent addition to the City has become firmly established. It
is then virtually impossible to alter its basic character without substantial expense.
In most subdivisions, roads and streets must be maintained and various public
services must be provided. The welfare of the entire City is seriously affected.
Consequently, it is in the interest of the general public, the developer, and the
future owners that subdivisions be conceived, designed, and developed in
accordance with sound rules and proper standards. All subdivisions of land
hereafter submitted for approval shall fully comply, in all respects, with the
regulations set forth herein. It is the purpose of these regulations to:
(1) encourage well planned, efficient, and attractive subdivisions by establishing
adequate standards for design and construction; (2) provide for the health and
safety of residents by requiring properly designed streets, storm sewer facilities,
sanitary sewer facilities and water distribution facilities (3) place the cost of
improvements against those benefiting from their construction; (4) secure the
rights of the public with respect to public lands and waters; and (5) set the
minimum requirements necessary to protect the public health, safety, morals,
comfort, convenience, and general welfare.
SECTION 12.02. SCOPE. The rules and regulations governing plats
and the subdivision of land contained herein shall apply within the City and other
land as permitted by State Statutes. In the event of overlapping jurisdiction within
the prescribed area, the extent of jurisdiction shall be determined and agreed upon
between the City and other communities concerned. Except in the case of
resubdivision, this Chapter shall not apply to any lot or lots forming a part of a
subdivision recorded in the office of the Goodhue County Recorder prior to the
effective date of this Chapter, nor is it intended by this Chapter to repeal, annul or
in any way impair or interfere with existing provisions of other laws or ordinances
except those specifically repealed by, or in conflict with this Chapter; or with
private restrictions placed upon property by deed, covenant, or other private
agreement, or with restrictive covenants governing the land. Where this Chapter
imposes a greater restriction upon the land than is imposed or required by such
existing provisions of law, City Code provisions, contract or deed, the provisions of
this Chapter shall control.
SECTION 12.03. DEFINITIONS. The following terms, as used in this
Chapter, shall have the meanings stated -
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1. "Alley" - a public or private right-of-way primarily designed to serve
as secondary access to the side or rear of those properties whose
principal frontage is on a street and not intended for general traffic
2. "Arterial Street" - see Major Thoroughfare in the Zoning Chapter.
3. "Block" - the enclosed area within the perimeter of roads, property
lines or boundaries of the subdivision or a combination of the above
and a lake, stream, or river.
4. "Boulevard" - the portion of the street right-of-way between the curb
line and the property line.
5. "Cluster Development" - a pattern of subdivision development which
places detached housing, duplexes, or townhouse units into compact
groupings while providing a network of commonly owned or
dedicated open space.
6. "Collector Street" - a street which carries traffic from minor streets to
thoroughfares or from thoroughfare to thoroughfare. It includes the
principal entrance streets of a residential development and for
circulation within such a development.
7. "Comprehensive Plan" - the policies, statements, goals, and
interrelated plans for private and public land and water use,
transportation and City facilities, including recommendations for
planned execution, documented in texts, City Code provision and
maps, which constitute the guide for the future development of the
City or any portion of the City.
8. "Contour map" - a map on which irregularities of land surface are
shown by lines connecting points of equal elevations. Contour
interval is the vertical height between contour lines.
9. "Construction Season" - the period of time from spring through fall of
one calendar year after State road weight limits have been removed,
when exterior construction with heavy machinery may logically occur.
10. "Copy" -a print or reproduction made from a tracing.
11. "Cul-de-sac" - a minor street with only one outlet and having a
permanent traffic turnaround.
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12. "Development" - the construction of a new building or other structure
on a zoning lot, the relocation of an existing building on another
zoning lot, or the use of open land for a new one.
13. "Disposal Area - On -Site Sewage Treatment" — that ground within
the confines of the lot that does not contain buildings and has an
elevation of at least 80 inches above the highest known or calculated
water table or bedrock formation; does not slope in excess of 13
percent; and meets the requirements of permeability as determined
by the rate of water percolation in the soil.
14. "Double Frontage Lots" - tots which have a front line abutting on one
street and a back or rear line abutting on another street.
15. "Drainage Course" - a water course, swale, or other indenture for the
drainage of surface water.
16. "Dwelling Unit" - a building, or portion thereof, designed for
occupancy by one family for residential purposes and having private
cooking facilities.
17. "Easement" - a grant by an owner of land for a specific use by
persons or governmental agencies, other than the owner.
18. "Floodplain" - see definition and standards in the Zoning and
Floodplain Chapters.
19. "Key Map" - a map drawn to comparatively small scale which
definitely shows the area proposed to be platted in relation to known
geographical features, i.e., town centers, lakes, roads.
20. "Lot" - a parcel of land occupied, or intended to be occupied, by a
principal building or a group of such buildings and accessory
buildings, or utilized for the principal use and uses accessory thereto,
together with such yards and open spaces as are required under the
provisions of this Chapter or other related City Code provisions.
21. "Lot, Buildable" - a single tract of land, under separate ownership,
which at time of filing for a building permit, is designated by its owner
or developer as a tract to be used, developed, or built upon. Said
buildable lot shall meet or exceed all of the requirements of this
Chapter as it relates to area, size, dimensions, and access frontage
as required for a new lot located in the same zoning district.
22. "Lot Butt" - a lot at the end of a block and located between two
corner lots.
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23. "Lot, Corner" - a lot where the interior angle of two adjacent sides at
the intersection of two streets is less than 135 degrees. A lot
abutting upon a curved street or streets shall be considered a corner
lot for the purpose of this Chapter if the arc is of less radius than 150
feet and the tangents to the curve, at the two points where the lot
lines meets the curve or the straight street line extended, form an
interior angle of less than 135 degrees.
24. "Lot, Interior" - any lot other than a corner lot.
25. "Lot, Through" - any interior lot having frontage on two more or less
parallel streets as distinguished from a corner lot. In the case of a
row of double frontage lots, all yards of said lots adjacent to streets
shall be considered frontage, and front yard setbacks shall be
provided as required.
26. "Lot Area" - the total horizontal area within the lot lines of the lot.
27. "Lot Coverage" - the part or percent of the lot occupied by a building
including accessory buildings, and other non -porous surfaces.
28. "Lot Depth" - the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot
lines, measured along the median between the side lot lines.
29. "Lot Lines" - the lines bounding a lot as defined herein:
(a) "Front Lot Line" - in the case of an interior lot, is that line
separating said lot from the street. In the case of a corner lot, or
double frontage lot, is that line separating said lot from either
(b) "Lot Corner" - angle or curve point of any lot.
(c) "Rear Lot Line" - that lot line opposite the front lot line. In the case
of a lot pointed at the rear, the rear lot line shall be an imaginary
line parallel the front lot line, not less than ten feet long lying
farthest from the front line and wholly within the lot.
(d) "Side Lot Line" - any lot line or other than the front lot line or rear
lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from a street is a side
street lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot or
lots is an interior side lot line.
30. "Lot of Record" - a lot which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which
has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Goodhue
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County; or a parcel of land, the deed to which was recorded in the
office of said County Recorder prior to the adoption of this Chapter.
31. "Lot Width" - the horizontal distance between the side lot lines,
measured at the two points where the building line, or setback line
intersects the side lot line.
32. "Metes and Bounds Description" - a description of real property
which is not described by reference to a lot or block shown on a
map, but which is described in writing by starting at a known point
and describing the bearings and distances of the lines forming the
boundaries of the property or delineates a fractional portion of a
section, lot or area by described lines or portions thereof.
33. "Minimum Subdivision Design Standards" - the guides, principles
and specifications for the preparation of subdivision plans indicating
among other things, the minimum and maximum dimensions of the
various elements set forth in the plan.
34. "Minor Street" - a street of limited continuity used primarily for access
to the abutting properties and the local needs of a neighborhood.
35. "Natural Water Way" - a natural passageway in the surface of the
earth so situated and having such a topographical nature that
surface water flows through it from other areas before reaching a
final ponding area. The term also includes all drainage structures
that have been constructed or placed for the purpose of conducting
water from one place to another.
36. "Service Road" - a minor street parallel to and adjacent to high
volume arterial streets and highways, which provide access to
abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
37. "Outlot" - a non -buildable lot included within the boundary of a
recorded plot which has been set aside as a park or other land
dedicated to public use or reserved for private sale.
38. "Owner" - an individual, firm, association, syndicate, co -partnership,
corporation, trust, or any other legal entity having sufficient
proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided to commence
and maintain proceedings to subdivide the same under these
39. "Pedestrian Way" - a public right-of-way across or within a block, to
be used by pedestrians and which may be used for the installation of
underground utility lines.
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40. "Preliminary Plat" - the map or drawing indicating the proposed
layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the Planning Commission
and Council for their consideration, in compliance with the
Comprehensive Development Plan and these regulations along with
required supporting data.
41. "Plat, Final" - a map or drawing which graphically delineates the
boundary of land parcels for the purpose of identification and record
of title. The plat is a recorded legal document and must conform to
all Minnesota State laws.
42. "Private Street" - a street serving as vehicular access to two or more
parcels of land which is not dedicated to the public but is owned by
one or more private parties.
43. "Protective or Restrictive Covenants" - contracts entered into
between private parties and constituting a restriction on the use of
private property within a subdivision for the benefit of the property
owners, and providing mutual protection against undesirable aspects
of developments which would tend to impair physical, social, and/or
economic integrity of any given area.
44. "Reserve Strips" - a narrow strip of land placed between lot lines and
streets to control access.
45. "Right -of -Way" - the land covered by a public road or land dedicated
for public use or for certain private use such as land over which a
power line passes.
46. "Setback" - (Defined in the Zoning Chapter).
47. "Sketch Plan" - a drawing showing the proposed subdivision of
property. This plan is not necessarily drawn to scale and exact
accuracy is not a requirement.
48. "Street" - a publicly dedicated right-of-way for vehicular traffic,
whether designed as street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway,
throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place, drive, court, or
otherwise designated which provides the principal means of access
to abutting property.
49. "Street Width" - the shortest distance between the line delineating
the right-of-way of a street.
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50. "Subdivider" - the owner, agent, or person having control of such
land as the term is used in this Chapter.
51. "Subdivision" - the division of a parcel of land after the effective date
of this Chapter into two or more lots or parcels, for the purpose of
transfer of ownership or building development. The term includes
resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the
process of subdividing or to the land subdivided.
52. "Surveyor" - a land surveyor registered under Minnesota State laws.
53. "Thoroughfare, Major" - an arterial street which is intended to serve
as a large volume trafficway for both the immediate municipal area
and the region beyond, and is designated as a major thoroughfare,
parkway, freeway, expressway, or equivalent term on the major
thoroughfare plan used to identify those streets comprising the basic
structure of the major thoroughfare plan.
54. "Tracing" - a plat or map drawn on transparent paper or cloth which
can be reproduced by using regular reproduction procedures.
Subd. 1. Preparing and Filing the Preliminary Plat.
A. When the subdivider is ready to prepare the preliminary plat, the
subdivider shall have a surveyor and/or planner draw one which is in
conformity with the requirements of this Chapter.
B. The subdivider shall fill out a general zoning application form or other
application blanks as may be required, and submit them to the Zoning
C. No grading, tree cutting, structures, utilities or other improvements shall
be installed, constructed, or moved onto or off the proposed platted area
from the date on which the original general zoning application form is
submitted to the Zoning Administrator until such time as the final plat is
approved, denied or voided by the Council, unless specifically
authorized by the Council.
D. The subdivider shall furnish the Zoning Administrator with six copies of
the preliminary plat and with proof of ownership or control over the land
contained within the preliminary plat.
E. Prior to consideration of the proposed preliminary plat by the City
authorities, the subdivider shall pay the appropriate fee. Such fee shall
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be set, by ordinance, under such terms and conditions as the Council
may, from time to time, deem appropriate.
F. The fee will be used to cover public expenses incurred in connection
with the review of the preliminary plat and notification for the required
public hearing.
Subd. 2. Review of the Preliminary Plat.
A. When the subdivider is ready to submit a preliminary plat they shall
contact the Zoning Administrator to set up a staff review meeting. The
purpose of the staff review meeting is to provide an opportunity for city
staff to make comments and suggestions about the preliminary plat.
B. After the staff review meeting, the subdivider may submit the preliminary
plat and application to the Zoning Administrator who will refer copies to
the Engineering Department, Public Works Department, and the Fire
Department for review and comment. The Planning Commission
Chairman shall place the preliminary plat on the next regularly
scheduled Planning Commission agenda provided such meeting is at
least 15 days hence.
C. If the proposed subdivision abuts any State or Federal highway, the
Zoning Administrator shall also refer one copy to the Minnesota
Department of Transportation District 6 Office for review as required by
State law; if it adjoins a public body of water one copy shall be referred
to the State Commissioner of Natural Resources for review; if it abuts a
County highway, one copy shall be referred to the Goodhue County
Public Works Department.
D. The Zoning Administrator shall prepare a staff report representing all
affected departments and regulatory authority and submit this report to
the Planning Commission expressing recommendations for approval,
disapproval or revisions.
E. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the preliminary
plat with notice given as follows:
1. Newspaper of General Circulation. The Zoning Administrator shall
publish notice of the time and purpose of the public hearing at least
once, not less than ten calendar days prior to the hearing in the
City's Official Newspaper.
2. Affected Property Owners. The Zoning Administrator shall mail
notice, not less than calendar days prior to the hearing, to all owners
of record of property located in whole or in part within 500 feet of the
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boundaries of the subject property, as identified by the appropriate
records. The failure to give mailed notice to individual property
owners, or defects in the notice, shall not invalidate the proceedings,
provided a bona fide attempt to comply with this Section has been
F. The subdivider or their representative shall appear before the Planning
Commission in order to answer questions concerning the preliminary
plat. The subdivider may be required to accompany the Planning
Commission for an on-site review of the site conditions and may be
required by the Zoning Administrator to stake and/or flag the center lines
and proposed elevations of all streets at intervals of not more than 200
G. The report of the Planning Commission should be submitted to the
Council after the public hearing on the preliminary plat. If the Planning
Commission fails to make a report, the Council shall proceed without
said report. Failure to receive a report from the Planning Commission
as herein provided shall not invalidate the proceedings or actions of the
H. Approval of the preliminary plat is an acceptance of the concept and
general layout and indicates to the subdivider that the subdivider may
proceed toward fulfilling the necessary steps for approval of the plat in
accordance with the terms of approval. Such approval shall not
constitute final acceptance of the subdivision.
I. The Council may require modifications, changes and revisions of the
preliminary plat, as it deems necessary to protect the health, safety,
morals, comfort, convenience and general welfare of the City.
J. If the preliminary plat is not approved by the Council the reasons for
such action shall be recorded in the proceedings and transmitted to the
applicant. The subdivider may reapply 180 days after denial of said
preliminary plat by the Council.
K. Should the subdivider desire to amend the preliminary plat as previously
approved the subdivider may submit an amended preliminary plat which
shall follow the same procedure as a new preliminary plat.
L. A preliminary plat shall be valid for a period of two years from the date
on which it was approved by Council. After two years, unless extensions
are granted by the Council, the preliminary plat shall be considered null
and void and the subdivider shall be required to refile the plat request
and begin the subdivision process over in its entirety.
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Subd. 3. Preparing and Filing the Final Plat.
A. After approval of the preliminary plat, the final plat may be prepared. It
shall incorporate all changes, modifications, and revisions required,
otherwise, it shall conform to the approved preliminary plat.
B. In the case of large subdivisions to be platted in phases, the subdivider
will be required to prepare a final plat encompassing the entire
preliminary plat boundary with future phases being platted as outlots.
C. All plats shall comply with the provisions of Minnesota State Statutes
and the requirements of these regulations.
D. The subdivider shall file six copies of the final plat with the Zoning
Administrator not later than two years from the date of approval of the
preliminary plat by the Council. If this is not done, the approval of the
preliminary plat will be considered null and void unless an extension is
requested in writing by the subdivider and granted by the Council.
E. The subdivider shall submit, for review by the City Attorney, proof of
ownership including a current Abstract of Title or a Registered Property
Certificate along with any unrecorded documents and an Opinion of Title
by the subdivider's attorney or, at the City's option, a Title Insurance
Policy, the amount to be determined by the City, with the City named as
an additional insured. All costs incurred in providing any Abstract,
Certificate, Opinion, Title Insurance Policy, or other documents required
herein, shall be paid by the subdivider.
Subd. 4. Review of the Plat.
A. The Zoning Administrator shall, upon receipt of the final plat and final
plat application, provide copies to the Engineering Department; the
Public Works Department; and the Fire Department. The Planning
Commission Chairman shall place the final plat on the next regularly
scheduled Planning Commission agenda provided such meeting is at
least 15 days hence.
B. The Zoning Administrator shall present a report on the final plat to the
Planning Commission. Upon action by the Planning Commission, a
report shall be prepared to City Council expressing the Commission
recommendation for approval, disapproval or revisions.
C. The Council shall take action on the final plat. This shall be done no
more than 120 days after the final plat is filed with the Zoning
Administrator unless an extension has been granted. If said plat is not
approved, the reasons for such action shall be recorded in the official
proceedings and transmitted to the subdivider.
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D. After final approval by the Council, the county surveyor shall review the
plat for approval.
E. Upon receiving the final plat as approved by the county surveyor, the
Council may direct the Mayor, City Clerk and Planning Commission
Chair to sign the plat and the subdivider shall then record it with the
Goodhue County Recorder within 120 days of Council approval or the
approved plat shall be considered null and void, unless extended by the
City Council.
F. The subdivider shall immediately upon recording, furnish the City
Engineering Department with a reproducible copy, either a mylar or its
equivalent, of the recorded final plat. Failure to furnish such copies shall
be grounds for refusal to issue building permits for the lots within this
G. A subdivider may file a final plat in stages or phases. When each
successive stage is presented for final approval the City shall recognize
the original preliminary plat and shall not require the subdivider to
reapply for preliminary plat approval except where:
1. More than two years has passed since preliminary plat approval.
2. There are substantial changes on the final plat in comparison to the
original, approved preliminary plat.
3. A zoning amendment has been adopted which requires a change in
use or lot size for land not yet platted or recorded.
Subd. 1. Data Required for the Preliminary Plat. Information shall be
provided in the most current digital High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN)
coordinate system as follows:
A. Identification and Description:
1. Proposed name of subdivision, which name shall not duplicate or be
alike in pronunciation of the name of any plat theretofore recorded in
the county.
2. Legal description of property.
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3. Name and address of the record owner, and any agent having
control of the land, subdivider, land surveyor, engineer and designer
of the plan.
4. Graphic scale not less than one inch to 200 feet.
5. North point and key map of area showing well known geographical
points for orientation within one-half mile radius.
6. Date of preparation.
7. A completed City planning request form.
B. Existing conditions to be presented on preliminary plat or other
1. Boundary lines shall be shown clearly and to such a degree of
accuracy that it conforms to the plat so that no major changes are
necessary in preparing said plat.
2. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the
3. Approximate total acreage of the plat and total square feet of each
lot and outlot shall be shown. Also, the approximate lot dimensions
shall be shown for all lot lines.
4. Location, right-of-way widths, and names of existing or platted
streets or other publicways, parks, and other public lands,
permanent, private and public buildings and structures, easements
and sections, municipal and school district lines within the plat and to
a distance one hundred (100) feet beyond shall also be indicated.
5. Location and size of existing sewers, water mains, culverts or other
underground facilities within the preliminary plat area and to a
distance of 100 feet beyond. Grades and locations of catch basins,
manholes, hydrants, and street pavement width and type, shall also
be shown.
6. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, within
100 feet, identified by name and ownership, and also including all
contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider.
7. Topographic data including contours at vertical intervals of not more
than one foot , except when approved by the Engineering Director
shall be shown. Water courses, marshes, wooded areas, rock
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outcrops, power transmission poles and lines, and other significant
features shall also be shown.
8. A copy of all proposed private restrictions shall be submitted.
9. Percolation test and soil boring reports shall be required and
prepared by a properly licensed professional for all on-site sewage
disposal systems proposed.
10. If severe soil limitations for the intended use are noted in the
percolation test and soil boring reports plan or statement indicating
the soil conservation practice or practices to be used to overcome
said limitation shall be made part of the permit application.
11. The 100 and 500 year Flood Plain lines if applicable and the height
above the 100 year Flood Plain which is considered buildable by the
Flood Plain provisions of the City Code shall be shown and labeled
on the preliminary plat. The flood way and flood fringe within the
regulatory flood plain shall also be shown. A readily identifiable
elevation benchmark shall be noted on the preliminary plat.
12. Slopes of 25 percent or more as measured over any segment of 50
horizontal feet shall be designated on the preliminary plat .
13. All vegetation types shall be labeled and located on the preliminary
plat using categories of vegetation such as forest, cultivated, prairie,
grass, or other specific vegetative types.
C. Preliminary Plat Design Features shall include:
1. Locations and widths of proposed right-of-ways, streets, alleys,
pedestrian ways, utility easements, curb lines and curb cuts.
2. Proposed street names shall be shown.
3. Layout numbers and preliminary dimensions of lots and blocks.
4. Proposed front and side street building setback lines.
5. Location and size of proposed sanitary sewer lines, stormwater
management systems, and water main.
6. Profiles of proposed streets, sewer lines and water mains.
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7. Areas, other than streets, alleys, pedestrian ways and utility
easements, intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use shall
include the size of such area or areas in acres or square feet.
8. Location, elevation, and orientation of a typical housing unit on each
lot in residential areas and where a driveway should be located.
D. Other Information:
1. Statement of the proposed use of lots including the type of
residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units; type of
business or industry so as to reveal the effect of the development on
traffic, fire hazards, and congestion of population.
2. Source of water supply.
3. Provisions for sewage disposal, surface water or storm sewer
drainage and flood control.
4. If any zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan
for the areas, including dimensions.
5. Such other information as may be requested by the City Engineering
Director, Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or City Council.
6. Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that which is being
proposed for the subdivision, the Planning Commission may require
that the subdivider submit a sketch plan of the remainder of the
property so as to show the possible relationships between the
proposed subdivision and future subdivision. In any event, all
subdivisions must be shown to relate well with existing or potential
adjacent subdivisions and land use.
Subd. 2. Data Required for the Final Plat.
A. The final plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor who is registered in
the State of Minnesota and shall comply with the provisions of
Minnesota State Statutes and of these regulations.
B. Form for approval by signature of County officials concerned with the
recording of the plat -
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(updated 12/26/2017)
1. 1 hereby certify that I have reviewed this plat and found it to be in
compliance with Chapter 505 Minnesota Statutes.
By Date
Goodhue County, MN
County Surveyor
2. 1 hereby certify that all delinquent taxes or tax certificates are paid or
assigned and transferred, entered this day of
By Date
Goodhue County, MN
County Auditor
3. 1 hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the
County Recorder for record this day of , 20 , at
o'clock _.m. and was duly recorded in Book of
plats on page
Goodhue County, MN
County Recorder
C. Form for approval by signature of City officials concerned with the
recording of the plat:
Approved by the City Council of the City of Red Wing, Minnesota this
day of , 20
City Clerk
D. Form for identification of highwater mark: as determined by the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources the highest known surface
water elevation on this site is feet above mean sea level, and
the 100 year flood elevation on this site is feet above mean sea
An elevation benchmark has been established on ,
located at with an elevation of feet above
mean sea level.
(updated 12/26/2017)
Subd. 1. Conformity With the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Regulations. The proposed subdivision shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan
and Zoning Regulations as adopted by the City.
Subd. 2. Land Requirements. (Reserved)
Subd. 3. Street Plan.
A. Proposed streets shall conform to transportation plans adopted by the
State, County and City.
B. Streets shall be logically related to the topography so as to produce
usable lots and reasonable grades.
C. Access shall be given to all lots and portions of the tract in the
subdivision, and to adjacent unsubdivided parcels unless the
topography clearly indicates that such connection is not feasible.
Reserved strips and land -locked areas shall not be created.
D. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provisions
for the appropriate continuation of the existing streets in adjoining areas.
E. Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, but may be subdivided, the
arrangement of streets in a new subdivision shall make provisions for
the proper projection of streets into adjoining areas by carrying the new
streets to the boundaries of the new subdivision at appropriate locations.
F. Minor streets shall be laid out to discourage their use by through traffic.
Thoroughfares shall be reserved for through traffic by providing marginal
access streets, interior streets for serving lots, or other means.
G. Half or partial streets shall be permitted where essential to reasonable
subdivision of a tract in conformance with the other requirements and
standards of these regulations provided satisfactory assurance for
dedication of the remaining part of the street can be secured. No
improvements shall be placed in said half street until the entire right-of-
way has been dedicated to the City.
H. Wherever a tract to be subdivided adjoins an existing half, or partial
street, the part of the street within such tract shall be platted.
I. Dead-end streets shall be prohibited, except as stubs to permit future
street extension into adjoining tracts. The City may require that barriers
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be placed at the end of the pavement or temporary paved cul-de-sacs
be constructed on such streets.
J. Private roads without public utility easements shall be prohibited.
(Private roads with public utilities may be approved by the City as part of
a Planned Unit Development meeting the requirements of Chapter 11,
Division 55-080).
K. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or planned major
thoroughfare or a railroad right-of-way, a street approximately parallel to
and on each side of such thoroughfare and right-of-way may be required
for adequate protection of residential properties and separation of
through and local traffic. Such service streets shall be located at a
distance from the major thoroughfare or railroad right-of-way suitable for
the appropriate use of the intervening land, as for park purposes in
residential districts, or for commercial use and industrial purposes in
appropriate districts. Such distances shall also be determined with due
regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade
L. The street arrangements shall not be such as to cause hardship to
owners of adjoining property in platting their own land and providing
convenient access to it.
Subd.4. Cul -De -Sac Streets. Cul-de-sac streets, permanently
designed as such, shall not exceed 1,000 feet in length, unless an exception is
approved by City Council. Such an exception may be granted if it can be clearly
shown that by reason of unfavorable land form, or the irregular shape of the land
from which the subdivision is being made, a normal street pattern cannot be
established, or that land would be wasted by not granting such an exception.
Such an exception may be approved as part of the plat approval process.
Subd. 5. Street Design.
A. Minimum right-of-way widths and pavement widths (face-to-face of curb)
for each type of public street or road shall be as follows:
Type of Street
Collector Street
Commercial or
Industrial Service
Street (Collector)
Right -of -Way Width
100 feet
60 feet
60 feet
Roadway Width
As determined by
traffic needs
32 feet
36 feet
(updated 12/26/2017)
Minor Street (local) 60 feet 30 feet
Cul-de-sac 60 feet 40 feet
turnaround radius turnaround radius
B. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing street of inadequate
width, sufficient additional width shall be provided to meet the above
C. Additional right-of-way and roadway widths may be required to promote
public safety and convenience when special conditions require it or to
provide parking space in areas of intensive use.
D. Extensions of existing streets with less right-of-way than prescribed
above may be permitted by exception in special cases.
E. Street Jog. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 150 feet shall
be discouraged.
F. Geometrics. All horizontal and vertical geometric street alignments shall
be subject to approval by the City Engineering Director.
G. Grades. Centerline gradients of less than 0.4 percent and greater than
10 percent shall be discouraged.
H. Size of Intersection. Intersections of more than four corners shall be
prohibited unless developed as a round -about.
I. Corner Radii. Roadways of street intersection shall be rounded by a
radius of not less than 15 feet. Roadways of alley -street intersections
shall be rounded by a radius of not less than 6 feet. Corners at the
entrances to the turnaround portions of cul-de-sacs shall be rounded by
a radius of not less than 15 feet.
J. Curb and Gutter. Curb and gutter shall be included as part of the
required street surface improvements and shall thus be designed for
installation along both sides of all roadways except on permanently non -
buildable lots which may require extensive earth moving as determined
by the Engineering Director.
Subd. 6. Alley Design.
A. Except in the case of a planned unit development, either a public or
private alley may be provided in a block where commercially zoned
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property abuts a major thoroughfare or a major street. An alley shall not
be considered a public street frontage for any new lot.
B. An alley right-of-way and pavement widths shall conform to the following
minimum standards -
Right -of -Way
Classification Width Pavement
Industrial or Commercial
24 feet
22 feet
Residential (two-way)
20 feet
18 feet
Residential (one-way)
16 feet
14 feet
C. Geometrics. All horizontal and vertical geometric alley alignments shall
be subject to approval by the City Engineering Director.
D. Grades. Centerline gradients of less than 0.4 percent and greater than
10 percent shall be discouraged.
Subd. 7. Sidewalk Widths. All sidewalks shall be installed at a
minimum width of five feet, or as determined by the City Engineering Director.
Subd. 8. Public Utilities.
A. Water Supply. Extensions of the public water supply system shall, when
available, be designed so as to provide public water service to each lot.
B. Sewage Disposal. Extensions of the public sanitary sewer system shall,
when available, be designed so as to provide public sewer service to
each lot.
C. New public utilities shall not be shared facilities on private property
without written easement agreements.
Subd. 9. Drainage. A complete and adequate drainage system design
shall be required for the subdivision and may include a storm sewer system or a
system of open ditches, culverts, pipes and catch basins, and ponding areas, or
both systems. Safety covers and/or grates shall be installed on all open storm
sewer pipe inlets.
Subd. 10. Easements.
A. Provided for Drainage and Utilities. Five -foot -wide drainage and utility
easements shall be provided along all rear and side lot lines. A ten -foot
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wide drainage and utility easement shall be provided along all street
frontages. The City Engineering Director may require larger and/or
additional drainage and utility easements.
B. Dedication. Utility and drainage easements shall be dedicated to the
City for the required use.
C. Conservation Easements. Conservation easements dedicated to the
City may be required within a plat to protect soil, drainage patterns,
vegetation, or natural aesthetics, from disruption or damage due to new
structures, utilities, roads, grading, or tree cutting. A conservation
easement shall not be utilized for public access or occupation.
D. Controlled Access Easements. Controlled access easements dedicated
to the State, County, or City may be required within a plat on lots
adjacent to a major thoroughfare, limited access highway, or collector
street. The purpose of said easement is to eliminate lot owner driveway
access to a public street where driveway access from a lot would be a
second access on to the lot and where such driveway access is
considered a safety, aesthetic, or drainage problem by the City or other
units of government.
Subd. 11. Street Trees. Street trees shall be required and shall not be
more than 80 feet apart nor closer than 40 feet apart with a minimum of 1 per lot.
Trees shall be placed not closer than 10 feet to any driveway curb cut, nor closer
than 40 feet to any corner. All trees and tree location plans shall be approved by
the City Forester (See Subdivision 9 of Section 12.07). The City Forester shall
have the authority to vary the standards described herein when, in their opinion,
circumstances prohibit compliance with said standards.
Subd. 12. Street Names. Names of new streets shall not duplicate
existing or platted street names unless a new street is a continuation of or in
alignment with the existing or platted street. In that event it shall bear the same
name of the existing or platted street so in alignment. Street names shall conform
to the City of Red Wing Street Naming and Property Numbering System as
Subd. 13. Block Design.
A. Block length and width or acreage within bounding streets shall be such
as to accommodate the size of residential lots required in the area by
the Zoning Chapter and to provide for convenient access, circulation
control, and safety of street traffic.
B. In residential areas, other than water frontage, blocks shall not be less
than 300 feet nor more than 1200 feet in length measured along the
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greatest dimension of the enclosed block area, unless minor variances
are necessitated by topography or conformance with an adjoining plat.
C. In blocks over 900 feet long, or in areas of multiple cul-de-sacs, 10 foot
wide pedestrian parkways with sidewalks may be required through the
blocks in locations deemed necessary to public health, convenience and
necessity. Suitable paving and fencing shall be provided by the
D. Blocks for commercial and industrial areas may vary from the elements
of design contained in this Subdivision if the nature of the use requires
other treatment. In such cases, off-street parking for employees and
customers shall be provided along with safe and convenient limited
access to the street system. Space for off-street loading shall also be
provided with a similar access. Extension of roads, railroad access
right-of-way, and utilities shall be provided as necessary.
E. Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two tiers of lots with a minimum
depth as required by the Zoning Chapter except adjoining a lake,
stream, railroad or thoroughfare or where one tier of lots is necessary
because of topographic conditions.
Subd. 14. Lot Requirements.
A. Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles to straight street lines
or radial to curved street lines or radial to lake or stream shores unless
topographic conditions necessitate a different arrangement.
B. Each lot shall front upon a public street.
C. No lot shall have less area or width than is required by zoning
regulations applying to the area in which it is located, except as herein
D. Lots designed for commercial or industrial purposes shall provide
adequate off -the -street service, loading, and parking facilities.
E. Building Sites. Each lot shall provide an adequate building site at least
one foot above the street grade or have a complete grading plan
illustrated storm/surface drainage.
F. Through or Double Frontage Lots. Such lots shall not be permitted
except where such lots abut a thoroughfare or major highway.
G. Water Courses. Lots abutting upon a water course, drainageway,
channel or stream shall have an additional depth or width, as required to
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assure building sites that meet the Zoning Chapter lot size requirements
exclusive of areas which may be inundated by a 100 year flood.
H. Natural Features. In the subdividing of any land, regard shall be shown
for all natural features, such as tree growth, water courses, historic
spots, or similar conditions, which if preserved will add attractiveness
and stability to the proposed development.
I. Lot Remnants. All remnants of lots below minimum size left over after
subdividing of larger tract must be added to adjacent lots, or a plan
shown as to future use and platted as an outlot.
J. Access to Thoroughfares. In the case where a proposed plat is adjacent
to a limited access highway, other major highway, or thoroughfare, there
shall be no direct vehicular access from individual lots to such streets
and roads. In the platting of small tracts of land fronting on limited
access highways or thoroughfares where there is no other alternative a
temporary entrance may be granted; as neighboring land becomes
subdivided and better access arrangements become possible, such
temporary access permits shall become void. Other jurisdictions may
control access on limited access highways or major roadways.
K. Political Subdivision Lines. No lot shall extend over a political
subdivision boundary or school district line.
L. Large Lot Planning. In any area where lots are platted in excess of
24,000 square feet or 160 feet in width at the building setback line, a
preliminary re -subdivision plan may be required showing a potential and
feasible way in which the lot or lots may be resubdivided in future years
for more intensive use of the land. The placement of buildings or
structures upon such lots shall allow for potential resubdivision.
M. Safety Fencing For Steep Slopes. On slopes of greater than 25%, the
City may require the developer to place a construction -limit safety fence
and/or a permanent four foot high safety cyclone or other suitable safety
fence after construction is completed but before occupancy has
Subd.1. Monuments.
A. All lot corner pipes or iron rods shall be a minimum of one-half inch in
diameter, 18 inches in length, and shall be inscribed with the license
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number of the land surveyor making the survey as prescribed in
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 389.
B. Perimeter monuments shall be placed at all quarter -quarter section
points within the subdivision or on its perimeter. At all section, quarter
section, meander, or witness corners of the government survey within
the subdivision, on its perimeter or otherwise shown on the face of the
plat, a Goodhue County cast iron monument shall be placed. The
notation "Goodhue County Monument" shall be placed on the face of the
subdivision or plat by each monument so shown. In addition, a
Goodhue County Monument shall be placed and shown on the plat or a
certificate of survey filed for each government survey corner necessary
to survey the boundaries of the plat if such monument has not been set
and a certificate of survey filed.
C. All U.S., State, County and other official benchmarks, monuments or
triangular stations in or adjacent to the property shall be preserved in
position unless a relocation is approved by the controlling agency.
D. The Zoning Administrator and the County Surveyor may, when the
subdivision is essentially complete, require the developer to have the
plat restaked to replace those original monuments destroyed or
obliterated during the construction process.
Subd.2. Streets.
A. Street Grading. Streets shall be graded in accordance with a plan or
stages as approved by the City Engineering Director. The grading shall
include the entire width of the right-of-way and shall provide a boulevard
section, in addition to the minimum pavement width.
B. Street Pavement. The design of street pavement for all streets covered
by this regulation shall be in accordance with the State of MnDOT Road
Design Manual for flexible pavements. The designed thickness of the
surfacing elements shall be in accordance with the flexible pavement
design standard for road classifications as follows:
Thoroughfare, Collector Street
And Commercial or Industrial
Service Streets
Minor Streets and Marginal
Access Streets
Pavement Design; Axle Load
As determined by traffic needs
(updated 12/26/2017)
C. Rural Street Improvements.
1. Streets in an agricultural (A, AC, AR) district shall be surfaced with
8 inches of stabilized gravel to a surface width of 24 feet with a 4 foot
shoulder on each side if the Council determines it would cause an
undue hardship because of the lot sizes to require a concrete or
bituminous surface.
2. The requirements as set forth in item 1 above may be waived in lieu
of a private road by the Council provided the subdivider enters into a
binding agreement with the City regarding:
(a) Granting the City an option to acquire the full right-of-way
otherwise required by this Chapter for public street purposes
along the entire length of such private road, at such time as the
Council in its sole discretion determines that it is in the public
interest to acquire title to the same, and without any cost to the
(b) Granting the City the right to use such private road for any
reasonable public purpose including, but not limited to, travel by
emergency vehicle; and installation of public utilities and
conveniences; and,
(c) Containing a covenant enforceable by the City and running with
the land whereby subdivider and subsequent owners of land
abutting said private road are bound to maintain such road, at all
times, in a condition suitable for a use by emergency vehicles.
(d) The City and the subdivider shall establish in writing an
assessment procedure for all abutting, benefiting land in case
public dedication and/or upgrading of the previously existing
private road is officially petitioned for by abutting property owners
or ordered in by the Council for public health, safety, welfare, or
convenience purposes.
D. Gravel Surface. Streets that at the present time will only have a gravel
surface shall be designed so the base and sub -base requirements as
set forth in MnDOT Road Design Manual for flexible pavement are met.
In all cases at least the top eight inches of the street surface shall be of
class 5 gravel or a material as approved by the City Engineering
E. Soils Test. To determine subgrade soil classifications, soil samples
shall be collected and analyzed by a reputable testing laboratory.
Reports of the soils analysis shall be submitted to the City Engineering
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Director with the pavement plans. Soil samples shall be taken along
the center line of the proposed road at intervals not exceeding 300 feet.
F. Curb and Gutter. Concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed on both
sides of streets. The construction shall be in accordance with Standard
Specification for Highway Construction, MnDOT Spec. No. 2531.
G. Boulevards. All boulevards shall have six inches of top soil (black dirt)
placed on them and then be seeded or sodded by the subdivider.
H. Sidewalks. All required walks shall be concrete four inches thick (except
on driveway crossings, it shall be at least six inches thick) placed on a
four inch gravel or sand base. Grades shall be as approved by the City
Engineering Director. Sidewalks shall be placed in the public right-of-
Subd. 3. Public Utilities.
A. Water Main. A minimum water main of six inch ductile iron pipe or other
pipe as approved by the City Engineering Director shall be required.
Mains over eight inches in size may be required by the City Engineering
Director and the additional cost may be borne by the City.
B. Sanitary Sewer. Unless otherwise required by the City Engineering
Director, a sanitary sewer of eight inch poly vinyl chloride (PVC) pipe
shall be installed as the minimum size placed at grades approved by the
Engineer. Mains over eight inches in size may be required by the City
Engineering Director and the additional cost may be borne by the City.
Service ways shall be six inches.
C. House Services. Each house service shall run from the main to the
property line where a cap or plug shall be placed until the service is
extended to the structure. The City Engineering Director shall specify
the size and type of water and sewer service.
Subd.4. Sanitation.
A. Where lots cannot be connected with a public sewage system,
provisions shall be made for sanitary sewage facilities, consisting of a
central treatment plant or individual disposal devices for each lot as
required by pertinent rules of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
B. Any subdivision or lot not provided with off-site sewer facilities may be
subject to soil and percolation tests being done to determine whether
the lot size proposed will meet minimum standards of health and
sanitation if required by the Community Development Director or City
(updated 12/26/2017)
Engineering Director due to limitations of soils as shown on existing
soils maps. The lot area and topography shall be such that it will
accommodate an adequate disposal system or systems to serve the
residence for the estimated unsewered years as determined by the
Council. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the subdivider, and
a sketch map shall be submitted to identify the specific locations where
tests were made.
C. All proposed sewage disposal systems shall comply with the regulations
and recommended standards of the City, Goodhue County, the
Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Pollution Control
Subd. 5. Water Supply. An individual well shall produce at least ten
gallons per minute, have a well casing at least four inches in diameter and be
grouted to provide a safe, portable water supply. Such wells shall meet or exceed
all Goodhue County and Minnesota Department of Health requirements
concerning wells and well installers. Wells within the urban services district may
be required to have a City water meter installed.
Subd. 6. House Plumbing. When an individual sewage system is used
and the septic tank is placed on a side other than that from which the public sewer
line would connect, the City Engineering Director may require a capped sewage
disposal line be extended from the point of ground entrance of basement or house
to a point five feet beyond and to the side from which the future sewer connection
will be made. Inside the basement the elbow shall be set up to be easily reversed
for connection to the capped line.
Subd. 7. Stormwater Management. All surface and underground
drainage systems shall be installed in accordance with an approved stormwater
management plan as required by Division 57 of the Zoning Chapter.
Subd. 8. Street Signs. All public street signs shall be provided and
installed by the City at the expense of the subdivider. Private street signs shall be
installed by the subdivider at their expense. All street signage shall require
approval by the City Engineering Director.
Subd. 9. Street Trees. The type or species of trees planted shall be
approved by the City Forester. Trees with root structures that are less likely to
interfere with utility lines, break up sidewalks, and cause other nuisance damage
are desirable. Trees shall have a trunk diameter (measured 12 inches above
ground level) of not less than two inches and shall be placed, staked and wrapped,
unless otherwise determined by the City Forester. Said trees shall not be planted
in less than one cubic yard of good growing soil with a suitable amount of fertilizer.
Approved multiple varieties shall be used alternately as per the City Forester's
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Subd. 10. Utilities Location. All utilities shall be placed underground. All
underground work shall be completed prior to street surfacing. All utility lines for
telephone, electrical service and fiber optic shall be placed in underground
easements, unless located within the right-of-way (ROW) as approved by the City
Engineering Director.
Subd. 11. Street Lighting. Street lighting shall be installed by either the
City or the subdivider at the expense of the subdivider.
Subd. 12. Inspection. All required improvements shall be inspected by
the City Engineering Department during construction at the expense of the
Subd. 1. Improvements Required. Prior to the approval of a plat by the
Council, the subdivider shall have agreed, in the manner set forth below, to install,
in conformity with approved construction plans and in conformity with all applicable
standards and City Code provisions, the following improvements on the site prior
to occupancy or final building inspection:
A. Survey Monuments. All subdivision boundary corners, block and lot
corners, road intersection corners and points of tangency and curvature
shall be marked with survey monument meeting the minimum
requirements of State law. All U.S., State, County and other official
bench marks, monuments or triangulation stations in or adjacent to the
property shall be preserved in precise position unless a relocation is
approved by the controlling agency.
B. Grading. The full width of the right -of way of each street and alley
dedicated in the plat shall be graded. Erosion control recommendations
for such grading shall be implemented.
C. Pavement. All streets and alleys shall be improved with concrete or
bituminous surface except as may be approved by action of the Council.
D. Curb and Gutter. There shall be concrete curb and gutter with curb cuts
installed along both sides of all streets that are of an urban design.
E. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be required along both sides of all streets in
areas zoned R-1, R-2, R-3, RM -1, and RM -2. Planned unit development
(PUD) shall have neighborhood walking systems as approved by the
City Council.
(updated 12/26/2017)
F. Water Mains. In the case where mains from a public water system are
available, the subdivider shall be required to install water mains in the
plat and connect the same to such public water system.
G. Public Sanitary Sewer. In all cases where trunk line sanitary sewer
facilities are available, the subdivider shall be required to install sanitary
sewers in the plat and connect the same to such trunk line sewers.
H. Stormwater Management Facilities. Such facilities and easements shall
be installed as will adequately provide for the drainage of surface
waters; a stormwater management system may be required. Drainage
way easements or land dedication may be required when such
easements or land is needed in the public interest for purposes of flood
plain management, proper drainage, prevention of erosion, pedestrian
access to water bodies, or other public purpose. The subdivider may be
required by the Council to pay an appropriate share of any off-site
drainage system or structure necessary to handle the additional run-off
from the subdivider's property.
I. Erosion Control. The subdivider shall meet all of the erosion control
requirements as provided for in the Division 57 of the Zoning Chapter.
J. Street Trees. There shall be street trees installed within the boulevard
along both sides of all streets that are of an urban design. Such trees
shall be installed in the proper planting season as determined by the
City Forester.
Subd.2. Payment For Installation of Improvements. The required
improvements and the engineering drawings, specifications and bid forms, as
listed elsewhere shall be furnished and installed at the sole expense of the
subdivider. This may be done by the subdivider's own installation of the
improvements with approved plans meeting site specifications; or by petitioning
the City to draw up engineering plans and specifications, bidding and constructing
said improvements. However, if the cost of an improvement would by general
policy be assessed only in part to the improved property and the remaining cost
paid out of general tax levy, provision may be made for the payment of a portion of
the cost by the City. Further, if an improvement installed within the subdivision will
be of substantial benefit to lands beyond the boundaries of the subdivision,
provision may be made for causing a portion of the cost of the improvement,
representing the benefit to such lands, to be assessed against the same. In such a
situation the subdivider will be required only to pay for such portion of the whole
cost of said improvement that will represent the benefit to the property within his
Subd. 3. Agreement by the Subdivider Providing For the Installation of
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A. Prior to the installation of any required improvements and as a condition
of the final approval of the plat by the Council, the subdivider shall
either -
1 .
1. Enter into a petition for assessment or written contract with the City
on each lot within the new development by which the Council may
order in the necessary utility, street lighting, street signs, sidewalk,
street improvements, stormwater management and street tree
planting The City Engineering Director shall then prepare or cause
to be prepared contract drawings and specifications for such
improvements. The City Engineering Director may also prepare
such bidding documents as are necessary. The City Engineering
Director shall also supervise the construction and surveying work of
the successful bidder on the project. All City engineering costs
involving design and preparation of documents, specifications,
bidding, construction, and supervision shall be included in the cost of
the improvement and shall be assessed as part of the project cost.
2. Enter into a contract in writing with the City requiring the subdivider
to furnish plans and construct part or all of said improvements at his
cost in accordance with plans and specifications as approved by the
City Engineer. The City Engineering Director shall have the authority
to inspect all construction and supervise specific details of said
construction. The City Engineering Director shall also have the
authority to coordinate the work to be done under said contract or
any duly authorized subcontract with any other work being done or
contracted by the City in the vicinity. This written contract may
require the subdivider to make an escrow deposit with the City Clerk.
The amount of the deposit being set equal to the City Engineering
Director's estimate of the total cost of the project including
engineering drawings and specifications if necessary. The City
Engineering Director's estimate shall equal at least 100 percent but
no more than 125 percent of the cost of the project depending upon
the expected initiation and completion of construction. The
subdivider may also deliver to the City a letter of credit. Such letter
of credit shall be from a national or state bank approved by the
Council, shall be unconditional and irrevocable, shall be for the full
amount of the unpaid improvement costs, and shall provide that
funds will be paid to the City upon written demand from time to time
of the City to the extent of any default by the developer in the
payment of the special assessments pursuant to the agreement.
3. In case the subdivider does not pay invoices for work completed by
the City, the contract with the subdivider shall provide that the City
may assess those costs to property located within the subdivision
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together with interest on the outstanding balance as determined by
the Red Wing Assessment Policy and Practices for Public
Improvements; the subdivider shall waive any right to contest the
B. No subdivider shall be permitted to start work on any other subdivision
without approval of the Council if the subdivider has previously defaulted
on City work or commitments concerning other projects within the City.
C. In cases where the subdivider has petitioned for assessments, no
construction shall occur on a proposed subdivision prior to approval of
the final plat by the Council; the recording of the plat with the County
Recorder; and the ordering in of the improvements.
D. In all cases, no building permits shall be issued within a subdivision prior
to installation and approval of the functioning sanitary sewer and water
systems by the City Engineering Director. The City may approve a
building permit for model homes with the stipulation that no occupancy
permit shall be issued until installation and approval of a functioning
sanitary sewer and water system.
Subd. 4. Construction Plans and Inspection. The subdivider's
construction plans for the required improvements, conforming in all respects with
the standards of the City and City Code provisions, shall be prepared at the
subdivider's expense by a professional engineer who is registered in the State of
Minnesota, and said plans shall contain the Engineer's certificate. Such plans
together with estimates of the quantities of construction items shall be submitted to
the City Engineering Director for approval and for an estimate of the total costs of
the required improvement. Upon approval, such plans together with estimates of
the quantities of construction items shall become a part of the required contract.
Once the final plans are approved by the City Engineering Director the subdivider
shall submit two physical copies of the plans and specifications and a digital copy
in AutoCAD format.
Subd. 5. Trunk Facilities. Where a larger size water main, sanitary
sewer, storm management facility or similar facility is required to serve areas
outside the subdivision, the larger facility required must be constructed. Additional
cost is to be borne by the benefiting properties and the assessment rate to be
determined accordingly by the Council after recommendations by the City
Engineering Director.
Subd. 6. Alternate Installation and Incomplete Improvements.
A. The Council may elect to install any portion of the required
improvements pursuant to the cash escrow agreement or other finance
arrangements with the subdivider.
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B. Full and complete utility systems shall be installed in all needed areas
as soon as is practicable and feasible. The City and subdivider shall
proceed as soon as it is practicable after final approval of a subdivision
with installation of required improvements within the subdivision.
1. In the event of small subdivisions or in subdivisions on which
development may proceed slowly, or where the construction of
required improvements is clearly not feasible immediately following
the approval of the plat, the Council may elect to commence
assessment proceedings, utilize funds of a cash escrow agreement,
or otherwise move to finance and install improvements where
2. Such improvements shall be required in order to provide
greater assurance of public health, assure reliability of water supply,
provide for economy of installation, provide more effective fire
fighting through hydrants, and otherwise protect the public health,
safety, convenience and general welfare.
Subd. 1. Parks, Trails and Open Space.
A. Purpose. This Section is adopted for the purpose of providing for the
recreation, health, safety and welfare of the public through the orderly
development of recreation areas and the conservation of natural
resources and scenic beauty in the City. The City Council finds that the
dedication requirements of this Section are necessary to meet the needs
for parks, trails, wetlands and open space resulting from development of
the uses subject to this Section.
B. Waiver of Requirements. Upon a request by a subdivider, the City
Council, in its discretion, may waive or reduce the requirements of this
Section for City assisted development or redevelopment projects that
achieve public objectives or for reasons based upon other development
priorities or policies of the City.
C. Initial Dedication Consideration. The subdivider shall consult with the
Community Development Director at the time the preliminary plan is
under consideration, to secure a recommendation as to the location of
any property that should be dedicated to the public, such as parks,
scenic easements, trails, playgrounds or other public property. The plan
shall show the location, dimensions, and total square feet of all areas to
be dedicated in this manner.
(updated 12/26/2017)
D. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Land dedicated under this
Section shall reasonably conform to the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning Commission shall recommend to the City Council to adopt
as part of the Comprehensive Plan the location of land for future parks,
trails and open spaces in the City. If the Comprehensive Plan for the
parcel of land to be subdivided calls for public property in excess of that
required by Section 12.09, Subdivision 2, the Planning Commission and
City Council shall, before approval or disapproval of the preliminary plat,
consider the Comprehensive Plan and determine whether to take the
necessary steps to acquire all or part of the additional public property as
called for by the Comprehensive Plan. If the City's trail plan shows a trail
within a development, it must be dedicated by the owner.
E. Cash in Lieu of Land. The City shall have the option to require cash
contributions in lieu of accepting dedication of land under this Section, or
the City may require a combination of land dedication and cash
payment. Contributions of cash in lieu of land shall be placed in a
special reserve park fund which shall be held and used by the City to
acquire land for or to improve parks, playgrounds, trails, or open space.
The City shall require a cash payment in lieu of park, trail and open
space dedication whenever the proposed dedication of land for public
use is not suitable for the intended use, is too small for practical
maintenance, or whenever cash payment would be more beneficial to
the development of the overall park system that dedication of the land
within the property to be developed.
F. Timing. The requirements of this Section for dedication of land or for
contribution of cash in lieu of land shall apply at the time of final plat
approval, replat, minor subdivision, or waiver of platting and shall apply
to any plat, replat, subdivision, waiver of platting, or development which
receives final approval after January 1, 2011.
G. Determination of Cash Payment. The cash payment in lieu of land
dedication shall be set by ordinance under such terms and conditions as
the Council may from time -to -time be appropriate.
H. Dedication Process. Prior to the dedication of the required property
pursuant to this division, the subdivider shall provide the City with
evidence of title in a form acceptable to the City Attorney or a title
insurance policy insuring the City's interest in the property. In any
dedication of required land, the subdivider must have good and
marketable title to the land, free and clear of any mortgages, liens,
encumbrances or assessments, except easements or minor
imperfections of title acceptable to the City.
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I. Trail Construction. When the City's Comprehensive Plan identifies a
trail to be constructed in the land to be subdivided, the subdivider shall
be required to pay for the construction of the trail improvements.
J. Other Conditions:
1. Grading in the park shall conform to the grading plan as approved by
the Engineering Director.
2. Rocks that are two inches or greater in diameter shall be removed
from the land by the subdivider.
3. A minimum of six inches of top soil shall be provided by the
4. Grass shall have been seeded, mulched and established in
accordance with specifications approved by the City Engineering
Subd. 2. Land Dedication.
A. General Requirements. In every plat, replat, or subdivision of land
allowing development for residential, commercial, industrial or other
uses or any combination thereof, but excluding single lot line
adjustments, which do not create additional lots, a reasonable portion of
such land shall be set aside and dedicated by the subdivider to the
general public for parks, trails or public open space. In accordance with
Minnesota Statutes, Section 462, it is reasonable to require dedication
of an amount of land equal in value to that percentage of the
undeveloped land as set forth in Subdivision 3 of this Section. The land
to be dedicated shall be suitable for public use as parks, trails and open
space as shall be determined in the sole discretion of the City, and the
City shall not be required to accept land which will not be usable for
parks, trails or open space or which would require extensive expenditure
on the part of the City to make them usable. All land dedicated for park,
trails and/or open space shall be designed to incorporate natural
features such as, rivers, streams, wild life habitat, woodlands, natural
communities, wetlands and ponding areas. Said lands shall also
incorporate cultural features such as landmarks and archeological sites.
This dedication shall be in addition to the land dedicated for streets,
alleys, stormwater management systems or other public purposes.
Subd. 3. Dedication Formula.
The amount of land to be dedicated by the subdivider for park, trail or open
space shall be based upon the net area (gross area minus area required for
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public streets and stormwater management systems) of the land to be
subdivided, which could be developed for residential, commercial, industrial
or other non-residential purposes. Said dedication shall be determined at
the time of preliminary plat approval and shall be calculated as follows:
A. Residential and Mobile Home Park Development. The calculation for
residential development shall be as follows:
Dwelling Units/Net Acre
Percentage of net land to be dedicated
For each additional 2.5 units over 16 per acre, add 0.25 percent.
If a lot which was a platted lot before January 1, 2011, is split into two
lots, the land to be dedicated shall be five percent of the original lot.
B. Industrial Development. In industrial developments, two percent of the
gross area included in the land to be subdivided shall be dedicated for
trails. No park and open space land dedication shall be required.
C. Commercial Development. The park, trail and open space dedication
requirement of the land to be subdivided for a commercial, light
industrial and/or nonresidential subdivision or development shall be five
percent of the gross area included in the land to be subdivided.
Subd. 4. Credit for Private Open Space and Conservation Easements.
A. Where a private open space for park, recreation or trail purposes is
provided in a proposed subdivision and such space is to be privately
owned and maintained by the future residents of the subdivision, a credit
of up to 25 percent of the requirements of Subdivision 3 of this Section
may be given, provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Such land area is not occupied by non recreational buildings and is
available for the use of all residents of the proposed subdivision.
2. Required setbacks shall not be included in the computation of such
private open space.
3. The use of the private open space is restricted for park, recreational
and trail purposes by recorded covenants which run with the land in
favor of the future owners of the property within the subdivision and
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which cannot be defeated or eliminated without the consent of the
City Council.
4. The proposed private open space is of an appropriate size, shape,
location, topography and usability for park, recreational and trail
purposes or contains unique natural features that are important to be
5. The proposed private open space reduces the demand for public
recreational facilities to serve the development.
B. Where subdividers dedicate conservation easements to preserve open
space, natural resources and/or aesthetics, the City may reduce the
amount of land to be dedicated (or cash contributions in lieu of such
dedication ) by an amount not to exceed 50 percent of the normal
C. In no case shall the combined total of amenities (from item A above) and
conservation easements (from item B above) reduce the normally
required dedication of land or cash contributions by more than 75
Subd. 5. Protection of Natural Features. The Council reserves the right
to decline approval of a subdivision if due regard is not shown for the preservation
of all natural features such as large trees, water courses, scenic points, historic
spots, archeological sites and similar City assets which, if preserved, will add
attractiveness and stability to the proposed development of the property.
Subd. 6. Planned Unit Developments (PUD).
A. Upon receiving a report from the Planning Commission, the Council
may grant exemptions from the provisions of these regulations in the
case of a subdivision large enough to constitute a more or less self-
contained residential neighborhood or PUD, provided that the City
receives adequate safeguards to insure development according to a
plan submitted by the subdivider. Said plan shall not be in conflict with
the Comprehensive Plan and shall in the opinion of the Council be a
desirable planned development and shall provide adequate public open
space and any improvements necessary for the circulation, recreation,
light, air, and service needs of the tract when fully developed and
B. Upon receiving a report from the Planning Commission, the Council may
grant exemptions from the provisions of these regulations in the case of
a planned development which mixes uses in an innovated manner as
defined in the Zoning Chapter, provided that the Council shall find that
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the proposed development is fully consistent with the purpose and intent
of these regulations. This provision is intended to provide the necessary
flexibility for new land planning and land development trends and
Subd. 1. Minor Subdivisions and Consolidations. If a request is made
to subdivide unplatted land or to subdivide a lot which is part of a recorded plat, or
to consolidate parcels of land, or any combination of such actions, and the
proposed action will not create more than three new lots, does not create new
public infrastructure with the exception of sidewalks, bike paths and trails, does not
include conveyance of an interest in real property to the city, and the newly
created property lines will not cause any resulting lot to be in violation of the
Zoning Chapter, the Planning Commission shall review the subdivision upon
submission of a final plat prepared by a registered land surveyor, and prepare a
report to the City Council for their consideration. Such subdivision shall be
considered a minor subdivision.
Subd. 2. Administrative Subdivision and Consolidation.
Notwithstanding any provisions of Subdivision 1 above, the Zoning Administrator
may, in his/her discretion, without formal plat or minor subdivision approval,
administratively approve for recording a conveyance which divides or consolidates
parcels of land for limited purposes such as minor boundary line adjustments,
where compliance with requirements of formal plat or minor subdivision approval
would create an unnecessary hardship, where failure to comply does not interfere
with the purpose of this Chapter, and where the newly created property lines will
not cause any resulting lot to be in violation of the Zoning Chapter. In cases of
subdivision, the applicant shall submit a certificate of survey from a licensed
surveyor. In cases of consolidation, the applicant shall submit a sketch showing
the parcels to be consolidated and provide a letter of review from the Goodhue
County Surveyor. No consolidation shall be recorded by Goodhue County until the
Zoning Administrator has approved the application.
Subd. 3. Unapproved Subdivisions.
A. No sale, trade, or other conveyance of land to which this regulation is
applicable shall be filed or recorded, if the land described in the
conveyance is referenced to an unapproved Registered Land Survey, or
to an unapproved plat.
B. The City may refuse to accept or take over metes and bounds parcels
for roads, parks, or other public uses without a Certificate of Survey or a
plat of said parcels.
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C. Any owner or agent of the owner of land who conveys a lot or a parcel in
violation of the provisions of this Subdivision shall forfeit and pay to the
City a penalty as provided in the fee ordinance. The City may enjoin
such conveyance or may recover such penalty by a civil action in any
court of competent jurisdiction.
D. If in a pre-existing group of two or more contiguous lots or parcels of
land owned or controlled by the same person, no lot or parcel meets 60
percent of the width or area requirements of the Zoning Chapter, such
individual lot or parcel cannot be considered as a separate parcel of
land for purposes of sale or development, but must be combined with
adjacent lots or parcels under the same ownership so that the
combination of lots or parcels will equal one or more parcels of land
each meeting the new lot width and area requirements of the Zoning
Subd. 1. Subdivision Variance. The City Council may grant a variance
from this Chapter upon receiving a report from the Planning Commission in any
particular case where the subdivider can show because of exceptional topography
or any other physical conditions that strict compliance with this Chapter would
cause exceptional and undue hardship, provided such relief may be granted
without detriment to the public welfare and without impairing the intent of this
Chapter. The Planning Commission may recommend variations from the
requirements of this Chapter when, in its opinion, they do not affect the
Comprehensive Plan or the intent of this Chapter.
Subd.2. Variance Procedures. The applicant for a subdivision
variance shall follow the procedures as set forth in Division 90-110 of the Zoning
SECTION 12.12. FINDINGS OF FACT. For all subdivisions, the
Planning Commission shall recommend and the City Council shall consider for
approval or denial the following findings:
1. The proposed subdivisions, including the design, are consistent with
any adopted component of the Comprehensive Plan.
2. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to
topography, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation,
susceptibility to flooding, water storage, stormwater management are
such that the site is suitable for the type of development or use
3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of
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4. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not
cause significant environmental damage
5. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not
cause serious public health and safety problems.
6. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not
conflict with easements of record.
7. Existing City infrastructure, including but not limited to, roads or
highways, water supply systems, and sanitary sewer systems, are
adequate to serve the proposed subdivision.
Subd. 1. Building Permits. No building permit shall be issued for any
construction, enlargement, alteration, or repair, demolition or moving of any
building or structure on any lot or parcel until all the requirements of this Chapter
have been fully met.
Subd. 2. Public Nuisance Per Se. Any building or structure which is
erected, altered or converted, or any use of premises of land which is begun or
changed subsequent to January 1, 2011, and in violation of any of the provisions
thereof is hereby declared to be a public nuisance per se, and may be abated by
order of any court of competent jurisdiction.
Subd. 3. Each Day a Separate Offense. A separate offense shall be
deemed committed upon each day during or when a violation occurs or continues.
Subd. 4. Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. The rights and
remedies provided herein are cumulative and in addition to any other remedies
provided by law.
violates a provision of this Chapter by performing an act thereby prohibited or
declared unlawful, or failing to act when such failure is thereby prohibited or
declared unlawful, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as for a
misdemeanor except as otherwise stated in specific provisions hereof.
(updated 12/26/2017)